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Here at Redeemer's, we strive to have something for everyone. We offer a variety of different ministries to equip, teach, and minister to people of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of spiritual growth. Regardless of where you are in your walk with the Lord, we desire to help you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus and advance in your God-given destiny.

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Life Groups

Our Life Groups are a great opportunity to grow in your relationship with the Lord as well as well as develop meaningful relationships with our church family through fellowship and community.

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Redeemer's Youth

Wednesday Nights - 6:30 pm.

Redeemer’s Youth is a student ministry for youth from 6th to 12th grade. We exist to disciple students to live out every area of their lives to represent Jesus well. We meet the 1st three Wednesdays of every month at our church from 6:30-8:00pm for our large youth gatherings with the 4th Wednesday being an off night.

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Sunday School

R-Kids is our children's ministry for kids from grades Pre-K to 5. Every Sunday, we train our children with teaching and fun activities designed to help them know Jesus and grow in their love for Him. In addition to our children's ministry, we have a nursery for children 2 and under.


All of our children's workers are background checked volunteers for the safety and security of our families.

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Prophetic Ministry

Hearing God's Voice

We believe God is still actively speaking today. We believe God has specific things He wants to say to each of us. Over the years, we've seen God bring clarity, direction and revelation in ways that have transformed people's lives and futures. We value hearing God's voice as well as teaching people how to discern what He is saying.

Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry

At Redeemer’s, we have a beautiful blend of women from every walk of life. We believe each woman has something special to offer our church family because of the wide variety of experiences, cultures, and generations represented. It is our desire as a ministry to help each woman know her true worth as a child of God and give her tools to grow in the unique gifting she carries.


Redeemer's School of Ministry

Redeemer’s School of Ministry was started with the heart to equip every believer and church to fulfill their God given destiny. RSOM is a video based Bible curriculum partnered with N2NCU to deliver line by line Biblical teaching and life applicable lessons. Through RSOM you can receive an affordable degree in ministry and biblical studies.

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