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November 20, 1992

Prophecy to Redeemer’s Church, November 20, 1992.

I want you to know the Spirit of the Lord is here tonight. God says there is a fresh wind blowing in the Holy Ghost. I see bands that have been coming together for over a year that have been bombarding the heavens. Lord give us revival! God give us breakthrough! Lord we will not be just another run of the mill church. Hear the word of the Lord tonight. In this house I am breaking spiritual strongholds. I am breaking religious spirits, says God. There is fresh wind this night, says the Lord, that shall begin to blow upon your house. I am going to dissolve what you call the move and bring in a "New Move" says the Lord. The wind of the Lord is just blowing on this house. I'm going to change your reputation in this city, says the Lord. I shall cause you to be a forerunner of unity amongst bodies, amongst ministries. The spirit of an apostle is upon you Brother Jarvis. Get ready, says the Lord. I shall begin to send even more men to you, they shall begin to hear the word of the Lord. Be not intimidated, but rise up oh man of God and declare the vision of in the night time, declare the anointing of the Lord and ye shall see God bring it to pass. There is a cleansing coming forth in this house. God is shaking the sanctuary. The Lord says there shall be a purging and I shall remove the dead leaves from the branches, but in their place, says the Lord, there shall begin to come fruit, there shall begin to come forth blossoms. The fragrance of God in the heavens shall be smelt again in this house. You will no longer sit and say — We just had another service, but you shall walk in and say “Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.” “Surely our God is in control.” Get ready, says God. Divine Visitation! Divine Visitation! Divine Visitation! Clean up your house. Get ready, says the Lord. Prepare yourself, for the God of all ages has come upon the scene to visit and to establish the move of the Lord. Not only in this church, but in this city, says the Lord. As the shaking begins to take place and as you begin to see the hand of the Lord exposed in this house. Do not say it is the enemy, but know it is the Lord. For after the purging, says the God, there shall be growth again. The religious spirit and the carnal spirit that has looked at this place as a place to appease their conscience shall no longer come, but the halt, the maim and the blind in the spirit shall begin to come in and as you begin to break forth in spontaneous worship, says the Lord, you shall begin to see the work of the Lord brought forth. I'm changing your pattern, says God. I'm changing the way you have church, says the Lord. Do not put me in a box anymore. Do not say “I belong to a denomination anymore,” but come in the spirit of faith, rise up in the anointing of God. Take dominion, says the Lord, and let the God of heaven soar and we will walk with the Lord God Almighty.

As the wind of the Lord begins to blow upon the house so shall there come a new sound — a sound that has not been heard, says the Lord, very much. It shall be a sound of new crying out to the Lord between the porch and the alter, that says “I repent Oh God.” And there shall this night begin to come a spirit of repentance. Clean up your house, says the Lord. Repent before Me. I know your heart. I have not moved in times past like you wanted to because your vessels were not clean. But I wash it tonight, says the Lord. I purge this house tonight, says the Lord. I cleanse this house tonight, says the Lord. And there is the blood of the Lamb that flows from the back to the front, from side to side. I am God. I birth it, says the Lord. I sustained you, says God. Your house does not belong to a man, but it belongs to the Lord. Arise and give a shout unto the voice of the Lord God Almighty!

There is a breakthrough tonight. Come on, let God begin to move. Let God begin to move. Begin to dance. Dance. Dance before the Lord. Let God loose in this place.

The word of the Lord would even come to Brother Jarvis this night and say Son, you're not going to be on the shelf because I the Lord quicken you. I cause my hand to be upon you and you shall know the strengthening of your God for truly the hand of the Lord does come upon you. Even as Nehemiah of old, the good hand of the Lord is upon you this night. Son I quicken you, you shall not know what your heart has feared. For truly I will keep you, says the Lord, and the full purposes of God will be accomplished in your life. You will go from just tending the sheep to training leaders and raising forth a standard of righteousness, says your God. This is a new day. This is a new hour. Son I am going to raise you up in the new fire that's going to fall. It will burn through you in a new fashion, says your God. Know that the power of the Lord is upon you for good, says the Lord.

The Lord says, even this night I undermine the strategies and operation of the plan of the enemy, for he has come to cause hindrance. He has come to cause imitation. Yes, and even stagnating. But God says, I'm going to pull the plug on the stagnation and the house is going to move ahead. There is coming a stirring, there is coming a shaking, there is coming a rearranging. The status quote is going to be shaken up, says the living God. For this is the day, the hour and the hour that the power of God is going to be released to stir the house of God, to shake this place, to bring new beginnings and fresh visitation. Know, says the Lord, I 'm doing a new thing. No one can stand in my way. Yes, opinions of man, doctrines of devils, operations of the powers of darkness. I 'm breaking through, says the Lord. coming through, says the Lord. I'm having my way, says the living God. I 'm breaking every band of evil. Breaking every band of evil. I will triumph in your midst, says the Lord. I will come through, says the Lord God. Let's praise His name.

Yes, says the Lord God unto this people, do you not know that there has been visitation in this house? You also know that there have been gathered round about you many people who are not interested in visitation, but simply to receive blessing and to have their needs met. Yes, says the Lord God, visitation is here again. I shall change, I shall uproot, I shall redo, I shall rearrange, I shall add to and I shall take away, says the Lord God. For even as you have pioneered in days gone by, even so shall you be of first fruits again of a fresh and a new wave. Yes, many friends of the former years will turn against you and will point the finger for they have settled down to their comfort. You shall not turn against them, but you shall extend the hand of love and mercy. But you shall not be disturbed because they sever and break fellowship, because they speak evil of you even though many of them had their beginning in this house and they received a touch and a visitation of the Lord upon their lives. But you shall not be stymied. You shall not be persuaded. You shall not compromise with those that refuse to walk on with the Lord. But you shall lift the banner high and say we want the power of God. We want a holy group of people, we want people who have commitment and you shall let those come who will follow Me. You shall let those go who simply want to be religious and who want to be blessed and who want to be satisfied to remain with what they know.

But, says the Lord God, even have I not already done a work among the children and the youth of this house, says the Lord God, and they are the forerunner of what I will do even among the middle aged and the elderly, says the Lord God. For I am cleaning the house, I am revamping the place, I am causing My name to be lifted high again and the spirit of apathy and the spirit of lethargy which has gathered upon you, which Satan has done to bring you to no effectiveness I break even this night, says the Lord God. Yes, as you begin to move again in excitement and in the power of the Holy Spirit you will find there are faces that you have seen and never thought they were committed, but they shall begin to shine with the glory of the Lord God. Yes, even the children of the house shall begin to prophecy, says the Lord God. Yes, even in the midst of the youth there shall be an out pouring and flow of the Holy Spirit for I am going to change this place and turn it right side up, says the Lord God. It shall not be church as normal, it shall not be continuing on. Yes, there is structure and I will magnify it and I will bless it for I do not like lack of purpose and lack of vision and lack of goal.

But, says the Lord God, I am raising your vision higher even this night, says the Lord. Most of all I am rekindling the flame that once burned brightly but for many have settled down. Yes, there will be even those in leadership who will not remain with you, says the Lord God, because they are comfortable and do not want to walk on with Me. But, says the Lord God, you shall not fear the days that are ahead because I will send revival. Once again people will begin to come from throughout the city, inquiring and hungry and the place will be filled with seekers, says the Lord God. It will not be filled with people that have arrived, it will not be filled with people who know everything, but it will be filled with hungry and seeking and thirsting and they shall find righteousness in this house, says the Lord God.

And the Lord says, out of the moving of the Lord there will just not be a comfortable settling down for I am going to give a fresh missionary thrust, says the living God. Where you will send out your own teams to the nations. Yes, 100,000 to eastern Europe, says the Lord, for doors will open there. Yes, even look in the years to come to mainland China for I am going to break down barriers and take down doors and change governments, says the Lord. I’m going to launch people from churches that have known the fire of God for truly the fire is going to fall here, but not just a fire that will excite and a fire that will stir, but a fire that will thrust, says the Lord. Even like a rocket takes off with fire, so you will take off to the four corners, says the Lord. There will be missionary fire that will come with the zeal of the Lord of Hosts.

I don't know if you really understand what is happening tonight, but this is divine visitation in response to the bombardment of heaven. God is really speaking to my spirit that because of what the Lord is depositing tonight, there is an onslaught of hell that's going to be unleashed to steal what the Lord is doing tonight. God is saying for the next 40 days in this church is to be a time of corporate prayer and fasting. You are to begin to contend for what God has deposited. There is an embryo being put in the womb tonight and it is not going to come to pass with you sitting on the pews and saying — “Didn't the Lord say some good things.” God says the only way this move is going to be sustained is for the people now to be able to pick up the momentum and begin to set some time aside and sacrifice and say, “Lord Jesus we are hungry, we are hungry, we are hungry.” It is the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man that avails much. God says this is the only divine visitation that the Lord is going to send to this house. God is not going to continue to blow winds of blessing when it is not respected. The Lord says begin to bind together in the Holy Spirit to begin to come as collective people in the body of Christ. You reverence what I am doing, says the Lord. You show intensity. You begin to come together in the Spirit. You begin to fight, for God also says the next 40 days will be a time of grace, but after that, says the Lord, I shall begin to uncover in this house he who persists in going his own way and staying part of the body. I am cleansing this house, says the Lord, and I will sustain the move of the Lord, but it will not be by myself, says God, but I shall walk with you hand in hand. I will not walk alone. I am this night reaching down to you and I am taking you church by your hand, says God, and I say Follow Me! Follow Me! I will make you fishers of men. From the littlest one to the eldest of the house I call to you, says the Lord, even as you have called to me. Arise! says God. Arise! and seek My face. Call on Me in the night time and this move shall not stop. A year from now it shall be flowing, two years from now it shall still be going. They shall talk about you in the states, says the Lord, if you will seek and persist in the move of the Lord that is here tonight.

The Lord says even over this house the Spirit is moving, says the Lord. I'm changing the course and the direction for I desire, says the living God, that there come forth a new harvest. I desire that there be new blood coming into the house of the Lord. I'm not going to bring people from other flocks to this place, but I'm going to bring people out of the gutter, out the bondage of hell, out of the bondage of sin. I will bring them in, says the living God. For the spirit of evangelism is going to sweep over this realm and there is going to be a rearranging and a new beginning, says the Lord. Lift up your vision and begin to believe your Lord your God for lost family members, for lost neighborhoods, for lost workers on the job. For there is coming a wave of a spirit of evangelism over this house. There will be new birth, says the Lord your God.



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